Well, we're still here.
I started this year cozied up in my apartment with my wonderful fiancé, making pancakes and drinking coffee and cuddling up in soft warm blankets and I feel great about all of that. I think this year is going to be quite expansive as we navigate many and varied uncharted territories, so burrowing in to domestic comforts feels like a good way to start; to stock up on the hearty and fatty now because who knows when and how we'll need to metabolize them.
And there's plenty of opportunity for heart and fat and friends and fun right now! This is my birthday month, and I'm in the mood to celebrate...
Grace McLean & Them Apples Residency
Rockwood Music Hall, Stage 3
Every Thursday in January at 830pm
We started out our residency last week with special guest Brittain Ashford and wouldn't you know it, even a blizzard couldn't keep you guys away! We had so much fun at that show and are looking forward to the THREE MORE we have this month! This week we'll celebrate my birthday with a special wizard rock show, next week we'll feature some songs from my musical, and the final week will be filled with special guests!
January 11 w/ Jay Stolar (wizard rock birthday show!!)
January 18 w/ full band (ft. Hildegardian hits)
January 25 (so many guests)
Under the Radar Presents: Rainbow Caverns
Joe's Pub
Sunday, January 7 @930pm
Sunday, January 14 @7pm SOLD OUT
Erin Markey and co-composer Emily Bate will present musical excerpts from their critically acclaimed musical A Ride On The Irish Cream (2016), slow-jam cabaret funeral Boner Killer (2017), and in-development Beach Boys/Spice Girls inspired energy concert Little Surfer (2019). They wouldn’t dare do it by themselves, though. With them is a rock band, a girl group (featuring me!), infamous schmerm/lover Becca Blackwell and many disgusting exceptions to Markey's no-sequins rule in the costume department.
The Dance Cartel Presents: OnTheFloor
Ace Hotel
Friday, January 19 @930pm
Saturday, January 20 @930pm
The Dance Cartel is literally kicking off the old year and sweating in the new. And I'm gonna sing about it.
20 W 29th St.
Muses and Inspirations
Sheen Center
April 20 @730pm
I'm very excited to be a part of this new music series with the Sheen Center - I'll be presenting an evening of music by women who inspire me! Expect medieval mystics, jazz greats, and magic mouthed harpists to make apple saucy appearances.
18 Bleecker St.
Grace McLean & Amber Gray
Feinstein's/54 Below
Thursday, August 23 @930pm
As part of the summer series Duo Shows at 54, Amber and I will combine forces to scelt and croon the songs that rocked a dressing room on 46th street. Expect 90s alt rock, disco duets, and downtown theatre composers to shake the walls and crack your cheeks… also snakes.
If she takes off her dress then the sky will fall down,