Hello you cozy comforters,
My newest single "Albertine" is out today!
I wrote this song with my producer and bassist Justin Goldner when we were both feeling uprooted and pummeled by loves lost. We wanted to explore the blurry lines around contributing to being jolted by that windswept pain.
I borrowed the name of Marcel's lover in Remembrance of Things Past for this song, because of a description he gives of her when they first meet––she appears fractured, with every changing angle or shift in light she’s different, a new person. She’s slippery and he can’t quite get a handle on who she is. Which ‘Albertine’ is the real one? Is it Marcel who creates or perceives these differences and can each one be true? Is she reliable? Is he unreliable? I wanted to take that notion of an unknowable, unpredictable, and capricious lover and write about how the moment the delicate, exquisite, and irreversible tear in the relationship may finally bring clarity.
Listen wherever you like to listen.
Come on and talk-a to me,